F. A. Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

Product Cameo Grabster 200
Last Update 12.12.2003
Version 1.0
Questions and Answers 4

Please ensure that you are using the latest driver versions. You can obtain the latest drivers from our webpage.

Internet TerraTec Electronic GmbH
http://www.terratec.com Herrenpfad 38
ftp://ftp.terratec.de D-41334 Nettetal

An Overview of the Questions

Question 1:
The preview is perfect but as soon as I start recording, the PC crashes.

Question 2:
Can I use the Cameo Grabster 200 with a USB 1.1 port?

Question 3:
Do I need a power supply unit for the Cameo Grabster 200 or does it get power over the USB port?

Question 4:
Will sound be transfered over the USB connection?

Question 1:
The preview is perfect but as soon as I start recording, the PC crashes.

Answer 1:
This could be related to an installation problem or a mainboard problem.

a) A helpfile to correct the installation error is available on our website. If this doesnt help, the problem is probably hardware related.

b) It was possible for us to recreate a system crash with certain mainboards based on the VIA KM266 chipset. With these mainboards problems can occur when a large ammount of data is tranfered from the USB 2.0 controller to the IDE controller. You should ask the mainboard manufacturer for the latest BIOS update and install the latest chipset drivers. If the problem can be solved this way, you can try using the Cameo Grabster 200 over a PCI USB2.0 card or PCMCIA USB 2.0 adapter.


Question 2:
Can I use the Cameo Grabster 200 with a USB 1.1 port?

Answer 2:
No , this is not possible. You will need USB 2.0.


Question 3:
Do I need a power supply unit for the Cameo Grabster 200 or does it get power over the USB port?

Answer 3:
You dont need any additional power supply unit. The USB port delivers the necessary power.


Question 4:
Will sound be transfered over the USB connection?

Answer 4:
No, the sound card is responsable for this. You will need to connect the audio output source to your sound card.





TerraTec Electronic GmbH
Herrenpfad 38
D-41334 Nettetal

tel: +49-2157-81790
fax: +49-2157-817922

hotline: +49-2157-817914
ftp: ftp.terratec.de
www: www.terratec.com